The 15th Global Harmonization Working Party Riyadh, KSA Meeting
Hundreds of delegates from regulatory authorities and the medical device industry from all over
the world will gather for the 15th Global Harmonization Working Party (GHWP) Meeting to be held
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from November 27 to December 1, 2010. The Meeting is organized by
GHWP and hosted by Saudi Food and Drug Authority.
GHWP currently has 21 member economies. Its goals are to study and recommend ways to
harmonize medical device regulations in the Asian and other regions and to work in coordination
with the Global Harmonization Task Force, APEC and other related international organizations
aiming at establishing harmonized requirements, procedures and standards. The member
economies take turn to host the GHWP Meetings. The programme this year will include the
Technical Committee Meeting, Work Group Training, Member Update, Workshops, GHTF
Update and the Main Meeting. Participants will be furnished with the latest developments of
medical device regulations in the Asian region and beyond. They could also take this golden
opportunity to build up their network and to exchange information with experts, professionals,
regulators and traders.
For further information, please contact the GHWP Secretariat at secretariat@GHWP.info OR
event manager at MD.GHWP@sfda.gov.sa or visit the GHWP website at www.ahwp.info .