Submitted by admin on Tue, 09/30/2014 - 12:11

The following events will be held back-to-back on 18-21 November 2014:-
- AHC-GHWP Joint Workshop [18-19 Nov]
- 18th GHWP TC Meeting [20 Nov]
- 19th GHWP Annual Meeting [21 Nov]
at the Sheraton Grand Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Please be reminded to apply your visa for travelling to Seoul for joining the events. For participants who would need the invitation letter to support visa application and arrangement, please feel free to contact the 2014 Meeting Event Secretariat at:

To register, please follow the instructions at : 
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 17 Oct 2014 (GMP+9)

Thank you for your attention.